Welcome to The Skating Yogi

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Hi, and welcome to The Skating Yogi! I won’t waste time introducing myself since you can find all that good stuff on my About page. Instead, I’d like to tell you what you can expect to read here on my blog.

Yoga Tips

As a yoga instructor, I’m constantly searching for better ways to teach my students, as well as ways to enhance my personal practice. When I talk yoga, I’ll talk about it in a way that’s accessible. There’s a place for flowery language and “good vibes,” but it’s not here. Blame it on my punk background.

Roller Skating Insight

Skating is my main hobby, so you’ll see a lot of posts about it here. I know what it’s like to be a newbie skater who’s not only intimidated by actually getting out and rolling, but also by all the components that make up a pair of skates. If you’re like a baby deer on your skates, you’re safe here. If you’re confused about wheel hardness and durometer or what a slide block is, I’ve got you. I’m not a great skater by any means, but I’ve improved a lot since I got really serious about the hobby a few years ago — and I’ve learned a ton about skate maintenance and hardware during that time too. I want to help make skating a little less intimidating and a lot more fun to anyone who is interested.

Roller Derby

I’m a new member of Tuscaloosa’s roller derby league, Druid City Derby, so feel free to call me Jannarchy. I’ll be writing about my journey of passing skills, playing the game, and feel-good stuff about teamwork. And I won’t mince words talking about the hard parts.

Books, Music, and TV

I love to read, I listen to a lot of music, and I try to catch new shows when I can. This won’t be a huge part of what I write about here, but you may see an occasional Ted Lasso post.


Although the pandemic has thrown a wrench into many of my travel plans, I still try to go to new places and the familiar ones I love as often as I can — and I’m always on the hunt for fun places to skate. When I’m able to pack up and go, I’ll share my experiences with you.

I’m excited to have a place to share my thoughts and connect with those of you who read these blogs. Thanks for joining me!

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